Sensing Friends Health and Safety Policy
Sensing Friends Health and Safety Policy
1. Sensing Friends has a designated Health and Safety Staff Member (DHSSM) who has overall responsibility to carry out regular health and safety checks in relation to the venue, event or situation that Sensing Friends is facilitating.
Name: Pat Beach
2. The DHSSM will identify any risks in relation to the health and safety checks and resolve any identified risks to service users, staff and volunteers before attendance.
3. Any health and safety risk and the appropriate action taken is recorded in the health and safety risk book held by the DHSSM.
4. Sensing Friends has a designated First Aid Staff Member (DFASM) who has overall responsibility for dealing with any first aid. This Member of staff member will hold up to date appropriate first aid training and attend any event that Sensing Friends facilitates.
Name: Pat Beach, Emma Crossland, William Berkley Smith
5. The DFASM needs to make himself known to service users, staff and volunteers but also all staff and volunteers need to make sure they are aware of who the relevant DFASM is.
6. Any medical or first aid incident and any action taken is recorded in the incident book held by the DFASM. All relevant information in relation to this incident is then passed onto parent/ careers or others that need to know about the incident.
7. Any relevant health, allergies or medical conditions related to service users, staff and volunteers must be identified prior to attendance. Any action or support required in relation these conditions must be clearly explained to staff who will make sure the DFASM is aware of the situation.
8. Sensing Friends aims to have all staff first aid trained at a basic level.
This Policy was reviewed on
Date 16/09/2022
Signed by Chairperson Penny Wright
This Policy will be reviewed again on
Date 16/09/2023