2024- Circle Of Friendship
Further Information
- The group is open to any young person between 8-25 years.
- The focus of the group is to form deeper connections with ourselves, others and the environment.
- The group offers a gentle and enjoyable sharing within nature, with other young people experiencing similar life challenges.
- The sessions offer enjoyable activities such as cooking, nature walks, gardening, mindfulness and friendly social activities, all facilitated by Sensing Friends’ experienced and friendly team of adults, including young person counsellors, creative practitioners and eco therapists.
The Circle Of Friendship is a peer support program set within nature that aims to help young people with any kind of sensory need, including physical, neurological and or emotional.
We offer The Circle Of Friendship Program as part of our Lottery Funded Seeds Of Friendship Project. The program runs once a month (second Sunday of each month).
Young people attend on their own without parents or carers and are supported by the friendly team.
Because this is a full 10 session course program we ask that any young person wishing to join the full program, register in advance.
Please email admin@sensingfriends.org if you wish to register.
The group is a small group (between 8-10 young people attending at any time) therefore there are a limited number of spaces so.
Circle Of Friendship Program
- Session 1 Awakening and Sensing: 14th April @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 12pm -3pm. (Please arrive at midday for this first slightly shorter Circle Of Friendship session).
- Session 2 Awareness & Recognition Of Oursleves: 12th May @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 3 Motivation and Mobilisation: 09th June @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 4 Power and Action: 14th July @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 5 Abundance and Sharing: 11th August @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 6 Experiencing Gratitude and Satisfaction Together: 08th Sept @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 7 Reflection and Looking within: 13th October @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 8 Stillness and Finding Internal Sanctuary Within: 10th November @ Plot 97, Weald Avenue Allotments, Weald Avenue Of The Old Shoreham Road. Time: 10am-3pm
- Session 9 Christmas Party: 08th December @ Venue to be confirmed nearer the time. Time: 10am-3pm
Please email admin@sensingfriends.org if you wish to register.
If you wish to find out more please email penny@sensingfriends.org