Sensing Friends Spring Update
12th February 2021
Sensing Friends is continuing with our Community friendship work with the support of the Big lottery
2021 Sensing Friends Services
We thought we would give you an update on the current services we are offering during the current lockdown situation. All groups will continue to be held on Zoom.
Circle Of Friendship Holiday Online Events
From April we will be starting our online day Circle Of Friendship days. These are open to young people with sensory needs and their peers. We aim to bring young people together on these days to share enjoyable friendship, fun and creativity. With time to talk, storytelling and creative musical collaborations, these days are an opportunity for young people with sensory needs and their peers to come and share, enjoy their uniqueness and celebrate their similarities and differences.
The Circle Of Friendship offers a safe space for young people to form close trusting friendships in a therapeutic setup, with the support of trained counsellors and creative practitioners. This is a closed group. Once the group is formed it remains open to those who have initially joined and new members will not be taken on until the start of a new group, this allows trust to grow amongst the young people participating.
Storytelling with Kay (8 years +) Mondays, 6.30pm – 8pm Continuation of current group
Kays story telling groups are online during lockdown and have been running now throughout lockdown . These exciting creative groups offer a chance to get involved in the magic of storytelling and feel the emotional benefits of sharing with story.
Peer Support with Emma, Penny & Emma D
(8 years +) Fridays, starting Friday 19th February, 4.30pm – 6pm
Peers support groups offer a chance for young people with sensory needs and their peers to come together, socialise and talk with the support of trained counsellors. During lockdown these groups are online and offer a vital lifeline for young people to connect and come together to talk about important topics in their life and their feelings, with their peers.
Music with Will ( 8 years +) Date to be confirmed (aiming to start it by the beginning of March)
This project is an ongoing musical collaboration facilitated by Will, Sensing Friends Creative Music Master. The collaborations in the past have offered young people the chance to get involved in amazing musical collaborations and then sharing them. We aim to offer regular online space to meet and work together as well as offering the chance to participate outside of the meeting to continue the creative work.
Book club (continuation of Kay’s Storytelling group)
In early spring we aim to bring young people together to share the magic a chosen book to read together. This will be a weekly book club.
Ongoing 1:1 and counselling support (there is currently a waiting list for this service ).
Please email Maz at to book a space on any of our groups.
We welcome any suggestions for activities or services that could support you due to the lockdown.
We look forward to seeing you all soon at one of our groups.
Warm wishes
Sensing Friends